We are introducing a new monthly blog series called ‘What’s New in HR?’ Once a month you can look forward to reading about the goings-on from our Human Resources department.
Every month we will share how many new hires, promotions and employee referrals there were in the previous month as we continue to support new Individuals in our community.
Taking a look back at May there were;
- 5 new Community Support Workers in Grande Prairie Region
- 10 new Community Support Workers hires In Peace River & Grimshaw Region
- 4 new Health Care Aids at Stone Brook
And just how many ASLS Team Members Referred a Friend in May? 16! And so far of those two were hired!
There were also 5 promotions last month! Congratulations go to:
- Taylor Arnold, Residential Program Assistant –> Program Manager, Grande Prairie Region
- Julie Babbitt-Byrne, Peace River Residential Team Lead –> Program Manager, Peace River & Grimshaw
- Mike Lindsey, Community Support Worker Float –> Westpointe Residential Coordinator
- Isabelle Champoux, Residential Coordinator of Mackenzie –> Grimshaw Team Lead
- Amanda Werny, Food Program Coordinator –> Residential Administrative Coordinator
L-R Taylor Arnold, Julie Babbitt-Byrne, Mike Lindsey and Amanda Werny
HR spotlight: Amanda Werny
Amanda started with ASLS in Grande Prairie in September 2018. She came to us from the Grande Prairie Public School District where she was an Educational Assistant.
Although Amanda started part-time in our Food Program as the coordinator, that changed to full-time in January when she accepted the Administrative & Food Program Coordinator role. She has recently been named Residential Administrative Coordinator, where she will assist Team Leads with Person Centered Plans across the organization. Our staff will also see her around offices and residences assisting with on-boarding, orientations, health & safety and ensuring we also provide the highest level of support.
So yes, she is very busy!