What’s New in HR?

May was a quieter month for Care but still busy!

There were two full-time Health Care Aides hired at Stone Brook and one Support Worker hired in the Peace River region.

We also welcomed the new Manager at Stonebrook, Heidi French, to Team Care.

Let’s get to know Heidi:

Heidi is originally from Calgary, is married and will be celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary in August. She is a mother of two, grandmother of two and has a chihuahua that has a torn ligament right now.

I am so excited to be part of the Care Team here at Stone Brook! I came into healthcare as a nurse, wanting to care for people. Then I moved  into healthcare management wanting to be able to make a difference. 

Especially during this time of COVID-19, I see each and everyone of us as being vital to making a difference in someone’s life. Whether it is smiling at the clerk at the gas station, or thanking the shelf-stocker for coming to work today, every step we take is making a difference. 

The residents and staff here have already started making a difference in my life, and I look forward to getting to know everyone better.

What is one of your fondest memories so far? When one of the residents
that I was introduced to on my second day informed me that I would regret
coming here! 🙂

What do you tell yourself when it has been a stressful day? How do you self-care?
Today is just one day. Tomorrow will be better. I go home and connect with
my family to remember the important things in life.

What are you most surprised about working at Stone Brook? How welcoming everyone has been.

What would you say to the founding parents if they were here right now?
Great Job and thank you!

What do you do in your spare time? Try to learn new things (learning
Calligraphy right now) and reading.

If you could not work here, where would you work? As a food taster in a
fancy restaurant where I would get paid to try all the new recipes.

If you could have lunch with anyone anywhere who and where would that be and why? All of my family at my house celebrating being together post COVID.

Welcome to the team Heidi!