It was a spook-takular Hallowee’n for Individuals Care supports. Costumes were worn, pumpkins carved and candy devoured.
Two Individuals in Peace River enjoyed designing the pictures for their jack-o-lanterns and making their creations glow from the light of a cellphone. A supper treat of pizza and wings was had and a dance party soon followed with breaks to take some seriously scarey pictures. The ghostly evening ended with a spine-tingling movie.
In the County of Grande Prairie, Individuals donned their spookiest costumes and enjoyed an afternoon of spooky crafts, ghoulish treats and bewitching BINGO.
Ghosts and goblins were seen in Stone Brook as well as residents celebrated with a spookalicious party. There were also a few Trick-or-Treaters that came looking for candy and residents on the balcony lowered treats in a bucket to the masked youngsters waiting below.