Author Archives: CareHelps

What’s New in HR?

January was a busy month at Care with multiple hires and a couple promotions as well.

Peace River region – two residential hires

DSL/Stone Brook – 5 hires

Grande Prairie region – one residential hire

A few congratulations are in order!
Both Courtney Freese and Jade Christian have been promoted from Support Worker to Residential Coordinator while Dawnie Felix has gone from a casual position to working full-time in the Stone Brook kitchen.

Get to know: Nona Ives, Accounting Assistant at Care

I am new to Care Human Services.  I was approached to work in the Accounting department. I have followed Care, formerly ASLS, for many years.  I know its history. I witnessed the birth of Stone Brook from idea to conception. I am amazed at the fruition a dream can produce if pursued and fully believe in what this company stands for. It was an easy decision to make when asked if I’d like to be a part of the Care Team. A bonus is the happy, friendly environment I get to work in now.  I enjoy working with my teammates and love the office pets. A stressful moment can be easily relieved with a moment spent cuddling a cat 😊

I have been married for 30 years. I have three grown boys, two of which are married. I have a two-year-old granddaughter who is the apple of my eye and I’m eagerly awaiting grandchild number two in early March.  Being a grandmother is the best gig I have ever had! I have three cats and a dog right now. My husband has banned me from the local animal rescue and the SPCA. Apparently, we have enough animals. I just think of all the poor animals without homes and we have space.

As for any hidden talents I might have, according to my grandchild I am the best storyteller.  I wear that title with pride.

Thank you Nona!

Memorable Moments: The Bad Dream Lottery

This Memorable Moment comes from an Individual Care has been supporting for a few years.

This Individual has a witty personality and often cracks a joke or two. One afternoon they were talking with their Support Worker about dreams, in particular bad ones.

The Individual said they had a nightmare. In it they had won a million dollars. Surprised, the Support Worker asked why that was a nightmare, isn’t winning a million dollars what people dream of?

The Individual replied, with a straight face, “it was a bad dream because I woke up and didn’t have a million dollars!”

Now you can’t argue with that logic! 

Care Sensory Experience Rooms

Care is embarking on a new adventure, creating a Sensory Experience Room. 

Care’s first Sensory Experience Room is located in Grimshaw at Stone Brook, a DSL facility, with the goal of opening it to the community in the future.

A sensory room is a therapeutic space that’s typically furnished with a variety of interactive equipment that provides the individual with an engaging and personalized sensory experience. From equipment that provides deep pressure, like the steam roller, to projected lights and sounds. Each person that enters the room chooses how they’d like to interact with that environment.

The benefits are significant for individuals with ASD and sensory processing difficulties and include: improved social interactions,  reduced perseveration (i.e., repetitive stereotypical movements), reduced somatosensory disturbances (i.e., frequent and repeated movements or rocking),  decreased mood disturbances (i.e., over-reactivity, lack of responsiveness), and greater ability to focus.

Similar benefits are proving valuable for those with memory disorders such as Alzheimer’s, offering a safe place to stimulate or relax the brain and explore.

Needless to say, we’re excited! Fingers crossed we’ll be able to bring a Care Sensory Experience Room to Grande Prairie next!

  • Thank you to Care’s Behaviour Specialist for contributing to the article

Memorable Moments: An Alligator

We are introducing a new feature as a way for the public to get a better understanding of what Care does and how we support Individuals with complex needs. Most of these Memorable Moments will be written in a way as to NOT identify the Individual(s) and support workers involved due to confidentiality.

This first Memorable Moment started as a regular interaction between an Individual and Support Worker.

The nonverbal Individual was looking out a window in their home when the SW asked what they saw/were looking at. “A rabbit? A bird?” After several guesses with no response, the SW thought of the most out of ordinary animal “An alligator?” The Individual turned to the SW in shock and perfectly repeated ”alligator”. Not only repeated the word, but said it in a strong loud voice, loud enough for fellow housemates and SWs to hear! 

Sometimes thinking out of the box is where you will find the greatest rewards. Truly a Memorable Moment we want to celebrate! 

Supporting Individuals living with Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia

During this Alzheimer’s Awareness Month, we would like to share with you a bit about the Individuals we support.

Care supports approximately 25 Individuals diagnosed with Dementia. A few of those Individuals have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. Care’s Designated Supportive Living facility in Grimshaw, Stone Brook, provides DLS3, DSL4 and DSL4D care. 

What does that mean?
DSL4D supports are for Individuals “with moderate to severe dementia, who may have a high risk of wandering and unpredictable behaviours but who are not a safety risk to themselves or others.” (

Research has shown that Alzheimer’s is the most common cause of Dementia.

Stone Brook has 76 supportive living suites within six furnished cottages: Poppy Lane, Wilcox, Memory Lane, Mackenzie Cottage, Heritage Way and Lac Cardinal Cottage. 

Poppy Lane is a locked unit and resident’s room are equipped with door alarms to ensure the safety of the Individuals.

This past fall, Stone Brook developed a Dementia Awareness campaign, creating posters explaining behaviours visitors might see when visiting the facility. 

Learning about other people’s journey helps us come together as a community and care for those in need.

What’s New in HR?

The Holiday Season came and went in what feels like a blink of an eye.

As we mentioned last month, a number of applications were received in November and we are happy to announce that there were two new hires at Stone Brook, three new hires in the Grande Prairie region and five in the Peace River/Grimshaw region. 

Congratulations to Shae-Lynne Lepensee-Bryant who was promoted from Support Worker to Residential Coordinator in Peace River!

Get to know: Whitney, an Accounting Assistant at Care

My name is Whitney McCain, mother of 2 and married to the most amazing man I’ve ever met. I have a cat whose name is “M.” 6 years ago, my family moved to Grande Prairie from southeastern Ontario. I have always enjoyed providing care to others, and numbers (I love math.)

When I’m not knee deep in numbers, I’m playing with my kids or reading with a tea in hand. My goal since becoming a mother has been to raise kids that can show compassion towards others. I am so fortunate to have a place of employment where I get to see that same compassion every day.

I formerly worked in medical administrative positions before applying to work with Care Human Services. I was looking for a change in work environment, that would allow me to continue providing support to the public. I was hired as an accounting assistant, and given the opportunity to grow and learn, while still providing support to individuals in our community who are in need. Care Human Services has provided me with everything I was looking for and so much more. I am truly blessed to be a part of this amazing organization.   

I was introduced to the accounting department at time of change, I have embraced the challenge and have worked very hard over the past few months.

If I were able to speak with the founding parents, I would say thank you. This organization is wonderful in all aspects. I feel energized when I come to work because I have the opportunity to share my day with my amazing colleagues and the individuals we care for.

Thank you for sharing with us Whitney!

Our Stories: Susan (Susie) Rigler

Care would like you to meet Susie.

Susie is a resident of Stone Brook in Grimshaw and always has a smile to share with fellow residents, visitors and staff.

Susie is ready to lend a hand and help with any task, activity or event. You can see her sitting at the front desk at Stone Brook, offering warm greetings to all.  She is also in charge of sorting mail and feeding the resident cats and fish.

When Susie isn’t working, she likes to go for walks as well as shopping in town.

Her favourite meal is hamburger and fries and her favourite cat at Stone Brook is Smoky.

Thank-you Susie for sharing a bit about yourself with everyone!

What’s New in HR?

Care had a few hires in the month of November and welcomed seven new members to the Care team!

There were three new additions to the DSL team at Stone Brook in Grimshaw and three new support staff were hired in Grimshaw and Peace River.

November also saw a number of applications come in so look for more details in the December/January update.

Care was able to take part in a couple community fundraising events this past month.

In Grande Prairie a mini tree was decorated for the Grande Prairie Regional Hospital Foundation’s annual Festival of Trees fundraiser and in Grimshaw and Peace River, Individuals and staff decorated two mini trees for the Grimshaw Library fundraiser.

Getting to know Ok Alone

Ok Alone is a lone worker app and safety monitor that has replaced Safety Line.

The app has been downloaded on the Care provided phone for each residence and/or Individual within the organization.

Getting started:

Your name and personal pin will be posted on ShareVision on the homepage of the Individual and/or residence pages.

Once logged in, the app will prompt you to ‘Start Shift’, click start shift.

How it works:

The app  then notifies you when your next check in is due and at that time press ‘I’m Ok’. If you do need help, click ‘Help’ and your Residential Coordinator or Team Lead will be contacted immediately.

The ‘End Shift’ option is only applicable to a sleep shift but it is important to remember to start shift once the sleep shift ends.

If you ignore the ‘I’m Ok’ screen and do not respond, an alarm will go off.

Please do not send messages through the app. If you require further assistance, please contact your Residential Coordinator or Team Lead.

What’s New in HR?

Happy November everyone!

October was another busy month for us:

  • 4 Support Workers were hired in Grande Prairie
  • 1 Support Services Manager was hired in Grande Prairie

October saw 9 internal referrals and two resulted in hires.

Congratulations to Cailey Schmidtke who was promoted to the role of Residential Coordinator!

We would also like to welcome Jessica Corbin to the team who is taking on the role of Support Services Manager.

Get to know Jessica:

Jessica was born in Grande Prairie and since then has lived in Calgary, Edmonton and Australia. She has obtained her Bachelors Degree of Human Resources Management and has a passion for people and making a positive impact on those around her.

She grew up as a dancer, starting at the age of three that lead to opening her own community dance studio in Grande Cache.

Jessica is a newlywed and has two dogs, Phillip and Bailey.

Most of her spare time is spent enjoying time with family and her animals!

Welcome to Team Care Jessica!