Saying Goodbye and Thank You

Today we say good-bye to a few of our programs at ASLS.

The Brain Injury Supports, Community Access for People in Continuing Care (CAPCC), and FASD Support Program/ Parent-Child Assistance Program (PCAP) programs are moving under the umbrella of other local service providers.

“It was a fantastic experience over the past decade to be involved with the programs and to be a part of the successes and growth of the Individuals accessing those supports throughout the region. We are confident that our colleagues at Blue Heron and the agencies will continue the work and facilitating those success stories, and we appreciate their interest and willingness to take on these contracts as ASLS turns its focus to providing 24/7 residential supports to Individuals with Complex Needs.” – Rilla Websdale, ASLS CEO

“We have seen a lot of amazing progress and changes in the individuals that we have served throughout the years. I always tell our brain injury clients that they are my heroes because I get to watch them as they’re persistent and resilient and working through phenomenal incredible life-changing things to make themselves the best that they can be now. And although we will no longer be with ASLS, which has been our home for a good many years now, we will continue to work with the individuals who are part of our programming now and the new individuals who will come in the future to do the very best that we can do to support them to be the very best that they can be. Working at ASLS been has been a lot of fun. We have had a lot of good staff through the years and a lot of very incredible amazing individuals.” – Laurel Christensen, Brain Injury Team Lead

Leading up to today, all current clients in these programs, as well as their legal guardians, were made aware of and involved in the transition to different service providers.

Thank you to all the staff over the years who provided guidance and support to the many Individuals involved in these programs. Your dedication and passion not only inspired the Individuals, but co-workers as well. Thank you.