Preparing for an Emergency

With wildfires unfortunately upon us once again it seems appropriate to share some information on the Emergency Preparedness Programs of ASLS.

The following is a statement from our Health and Safety Coordinator Cori Freemark.

If unplanned events occur, ASLS has plans and processes in place to ensure an effective response. If there’s an emergency, people expect to be notified and provided with guidance to remain safe. This is precisely when our planning and preparation come into action.

ASLS has a very detailed disaster/emergency plans and contingency plans in place that extend beyond normal procedures. Effective disaster preparedness helps alleviate some of the chaos brought on by an unexpected crisis.

ASLS has clearly written policies that designate a chain of command, listing names, duties and emergency contact information as well as checklists and evacuation procedures. Drills are also conducted regularly for practice and to test the plans for problems. Disaster plans are regularly reviewed and revised with the participation of management, employees and third-party representatives to ensure the most effective resources and procedures are in place.

The Stone Brook facility’s contingency plan includes procedures for coordinating with other services such as the Town of Grimshaw Municipal Emergency Plan, the MD of Peace #135 Emergency Plan and Alberta Health Services. It is essential that we can quickly pull together, collaborate, assess and respond to an unexpected event.

With the support and dedication of our employees, management, individuals and our board of directors, not to mention all the outside supports we can and will be prepared for these unexpected events.

The health and safety of our individuals, employees and the public will remain our number one priority.

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