The first president of our organization was Al ‘Boomer’ Adair, a former minor league baseball player.
Al was elected to the role in 1968, at the first organizational meeting in Peace River.
At that time, Al was CKYL’s Sales Manager and Sports Director. During the initial years, many fundraising events were held including one which Al and Joe Zinselmeyer raised over $1,000 throwing a baseball.

A few years later, he ran for and was elected as the region’s MLA and when the official Grand Opening of Sunshine House was held, Al attended as the elected official.
His wife Joyce later became the organization’s president.
“Mom and dad were always super involved in the community. Mom was a nurse and dad ran for politics in ’72. I was young, I was five when dad entered politics,” remembers Rob Adair, son of Joyce and Al.
“I specifically remember when they opened Sunshine House in Peace River. We went down for the grand opening of it and I ended up playing, running around the house with all the other kids. It was a big deal for mom and dad to help, be a part of getting Sunshine House in Peace River because it was such a good cause.”
Rob tells ASLS “it meant a lot to them to be a part of the community of Peace River. Dad passed away in 1996 and mom passed away in January (2019) so it is nice to have a lasting legacy that goes on.” He adds “for them it was just being part of the community, and helping, doing what they could to help the society and the community cause these kids are part of the community.”